
At Airport Retail Enterprises (UK) Ltd, we are committed to fostering a diverse and inclusive workplace. As part of our obligations under the UK Government’s Gender Pay Gap Reporting Regulations, we have analysed our gender pay gap data for the snapshot date of 5 April2024.  

The gender pay gap represents the difference in average earnings between men and women across our organisation. It does not compare pay for equal work but rather highlights broader workforce trends and representation. 

Gender Pay Gap Figures

We are reporting the following mandatory gender pay gap metrics, in line with UK Government regulations:

Metric % Difference 
Mean gender pay gap   4.68% 
Median gender pay gap   7.10% 
Mean gender bonus gap   59.29% 
Median gender bonus gap   13.04% 
Proportion of men receiving a bonus   3.6% 
Proportion of women receiving a bonus   1.05% 

Pay Quartiles 

The table below shows the proportion of men and women in each pay quartile, calculated by ranking employees from highest to lowest pay and splitting them into four equal groups.

Pay Quartile % Men % Women 
Upper (highest paid) 63.8% 36.2% 
Upper Middle 67.8% 32.2% 
Lower Middle 50% 50% 
Lower (lowest paid) 55.94% 44.06% 

Understanding Our Gender Pay Gap 

Our analysis shows that our gender pay gap is primarily driven by the underrepresentation of women in senior leadership roles. However, 2024 was a year in which we were in the middle of strategic headcount growth which has seen the appointment of several females into leadership roles I.e. SGM and Exec Head Chef.  

Actions to Close the Gender Pay Gap 

To address our gender pay gap, we are taking the following actions:

• Expanding bonus eligibility to include a wider group of employees
• Reviewing our recruitment strategy to reduce reliance on referrals and ensure a more diverse talent pipeline


I confirm that the data reported above is accurate and has been calculated in accordance with the UK Government’s Gender Pay Gap Reporting Regulations. 

James Sessa  

Head of People & Culture  

March 2025