Anti‐Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement

Airport Retail Enterprises (UK) Ltd has a zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery, and we are committed to keeping our suppliers and employees accountable to prevent modern slavery in our operations and supply chain, because limiting modern slavery protects our workers and our reputation.

This policy supports our commitment and underpins our Modern Slavery Statement.

This Anti‐Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement (“Statement”) outlines our strategy for complying with these Acts and preventing modern slavery in our supply chain and business operations.

What is Modern Slavery?

We recognise that modern slavery takes many forms, including forced labour and human trafficking. Forced labour includes any work or services people are forced to do against their will, usually under threat of punishment or to pay off a debt. Human trafficking is the use of violence, threats or coercion to transport, recruit or harbour people in order to exploit them for purposes such as forced labour.

Airport Retail Enterprises (UK) Ltd opposes modern slavery in all its forms. We ask that all employees and suppliers report any suspected instances of modern slavery in our supply chain or business operations via the procedure set out in our Whistleblowing Policy.

Organisation Structures and Supply Chains

Airport Retail Enterprises (UK) Ltd conducts business in the UK, and employs approximately 500 people. Our staff are predominantly permanent employees. We purchase goods and services from a wide range of providers across different geographic areas through vetted and approved suppliers.

The majority of our supply chain is food and beverages, which comes from a mix of developed and developing economies around the world. We also purchase goods and services to support our group operations, including equipment, printed marketing materials, logistics services and consultancy management services. We recognise that our biggest risk of modern slavery lies within our supply chain.

Airport Retail Enterprises (UK) Ltd Company Registration Number: 08706988 36-38 Cornhill, London EC3V 3NG

Commitments and Policies

Airport Retail Enterprises (UK) Ltd commits to:

  • Prohibiting the use of modern slavery in all forms, including forced labour and human trafficking
  • Monitoring our supply chain to identify areas that present a high risk of modern slavery; and
  • Familiarising our employees and suppliers with this Statement and related policies to ensure that violations are reported and prevented.


We require all Airport Retail Enterprises (UK) Ltd employees and suppliers to review, understand and agree to this statement. We further require all Airport Retail Enterprises (UK) Ltd employees to affirm their commitment to upholding this statement annually.

This Statement was approved by the Board of Directors and signed by John Butts, Board Director, and constitutes our Anti‐Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement for the financial year starting 1st July 2024.